Guided Tours Thorn; Our experienced team of city-guides would like to acquaint you with the historical and characteristic pearls in the Central Limburgian landscape: Thorn and Wessem!
Allow our professional city-guides to lead you about the fascinating history of the so called white city of Thorn with her impressive Abbeychurch and the striking Maas-village Wessem.
Magnificent houses from the 17th and 18th century, old streets with a pavement of Maas-cobbles, and so called “Children’s heads”, historical churches and a lot more.
nwittingly you will dicover indeed spots that are less known, but of startling beauty!
On our Facebook page we will inform you about the latest developments about our guided tours Thorn and Wessem. You can view pictures to get a better idea about these beautiful, historical and characteristic pearls in the Central Limburgian landscape in Holland. We will off course inform you about the latest on this website too.
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Guided Tours Thorn - Our experienced city guides will show you around in Thorn and Wessem!